Sunday, December 12, 2010

End of Year 9

Finished Year 9 on the 10th of November still feel that I have to go to school some days. I remember that day when me and my mates stole 6 litres of lemonade from the sport teacher fridge and then go to the pool with my mates after it was fun especially stealing the lemonade. I am looking forward to year 10 which will be toughest time in 2011.

I have accomplished many things in year 9 some funny some sad, I have achieved awards some sporting & some academic, I represented Caloundra State High School in Volleyball (Super 5), Joined the choir at school, Captained the Year 9 cricket team in Interschool Sport (we were meant to go to the finals but somehow didn't after winning 8 matches and losing 3).

Me and My Brother
I miss my uniform
I hope to do better in Year 10 especially getting more awards during the awards ceremony/night and to get good marks in all my subjects, also joining the choir again would be nice. Sporting wise winning the Super 5 Volleyball Comp & going to Schools Cup will be really aweome (going to be tough), it will hard to play Interschool sport in year 10 because there won't be any but I will try play with the seniors next year (hope so).  

Picture; I miss my uniform (next year i have a darker uniform)

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